Monday, June 1, 2015

June, 2015 - the month that I wrote another blog post, and maybe started doing this more consistently

....but also, maybe not.

Coming off of a great crawl for the wounded warrior project, golf outing, and ma duke's had a birthday. lovely stuff.

in related news, i'm obsessed with golf. shit's just lots of fun, and I am pretty sure I am on the brink of a breakthrough that could mean the difference between wanting to throw my clubs in the water, and actually having a round under 90.

Lastly, Game of Thrones was outrageous and awesome. effing loving on this show. I shall be looking forward to, and reporting on, the last two episodes of the season.

stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Given that the holidays are coming, I figured I would mention that I have fucking idea what to get anyone on my list.

and its a short list! Just...legit have no idea what people need or want. I also admittedly have the hardest family to shop for. I am almost positive that every gift I've ever gotten my dad has been returned or exchanged.

My mother, is easier, but she also wants things that ultimately don't get used. She's thrilled to get them...but ask me how many times she's used her fit bit, her ipod, or spotify?

at any rate, that leaves my brother, and other loved ones that i see much less often and have even less of an idea what to get them. 

should be a disappointing christmas for everyone...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

nothing to say

and thats ok.

this blog keeps coming up in my mind as a place i should be dumping ideas, and pictures, and random shit. sometimes it's just nice to know it's here, even if i don't have shit to say.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Ushering in a new era

welcome to summer, 2014 yalls.

what a fucking year. 

so many changes...some good, some less good. 

I am writing today because I feel...excited. Life has its ebbs and flows and, over the last week or so, I have been invigorated anew.

Hopefully I'll have some time to post this summer. Camping trip coming up with the boys tomorrow!

That, will hopefully be worth documenting on some level. Golf first, then big fires, grilled meats, and beer. ever so much beer...

More to report on Sunday, hopefully after some well mannered frivolity. 


Thursday, February 6, 2014


I'm a grown ass man. I can say something.

boobs are fucking great.

'nuff said


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow days.....blow days

I wanted to put up a whole blog post today about how many cool things there are to do in the snow. It feels like one should be able to find a plethora of things to do in a snow storm. snowmen....snowballs...snowboarding, skiing. i mean whatever else people do in the snow.

it was not until i consulted with one of my confidants that I came to realize that we, I, and people around me, don't do SHIT in the snow.

here's how i picture myself in a good snow storm....

ya life to the extreme. taking full advantage of the illy powder and dope conditions.

in reality....this is what the fucks be goins on....during a snow storm.

aint no shame in that. i have to be honest, while I would LOVE to be one of those guys that gets out that and carves up a mountainside with my snowboard or skis, i'm actually ok with being the guy that works from the comfort of say....a living room....and subsequently has access to cold beers that taste so good when they hit your lips....

naturally one always aspires to be more, so i won't let go of the snowboarding dream. but in the meantime, i will also not feel bad about my other snow-day pastimes (shoveling....television, and beer that helps me feel warm in the cold).  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Music breakdown

music rules.

what doesn't the time it takes to weed through the sea of bands and songs, and pulling out only the tastiest licks...leaving behind the shit music that brings nothing to the table other than noise and clutter.

that being said, i would like to make a point to speak about music on a more consistent basis. there is enough good music out there that its worth looking into a little more. i will rely on the input of others also, since i think one of the best ways to learn about something new, is to learn it from someone who loves it.

I have mentioned music on here before, but not with any consistency. Change is in the air, friends.

So, look to the blog for music reviews in the near future. maybe a history of a particular genre. who knows what the fucks i'ma be layin down. thats the beauty of kzzy. it stands for whatever it wants....and i post whatever i want. whenever.


we'll be catching y'all on the soonness. brace yourselves.