Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow days.....blow days

I wanted to put up a whole blog post today about how many cool things there are to do in the snow. It feels like one should be able to find a plethora of things to do in a snow storm. snowmen....snowballs...snowboarding, skiing. i mean whatever else people do in the snow.

it was not until i consulted with one of my confidants that I came to realize that we, I, and people around me, don't do SHIT in the snow.

here's how i picture myself in a good snow storm....

ya life to the extreme. taking full advantage of the illy powder and dope conditions.

in reality....this is what the fucks be goins on....during a snow storm.

aint no shame in that. i have to be honest, while I would LOVE to be one of those guys that gets out that and carves up a mountainside with my snowboard or skis, i'm actually ok with being the guy that works from the comfort of say....a living room....and subsequently has access to cold beers that taste so good when they hit your lips....

naturally one always aspires to be more, so i won't let go of the snowboarding dream. but in the meantime, i will also not feel bad about my other snow-day pastimes (shoveling....television, and beer that helps me feel warm in the cold).  

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