Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wisely Dispisin'

Its the you KNOW Freddie J, and especially Francis Tancis....fittin to hate on something.

As its Sunday, it makes sense that we should probably just be hating on the upcoming week. Hiatus Tatus (seen below) was here visiting us for a short time, but was so consumed with "Hiatusing" that he didn't end up spending much time with us. Except for the "Toneight Tonighty" darts night he was able to bear witness to.

 That being said, we are going to bring up a few things that should be hated on...

The obviously, Monday's.

Starting the week off on a Monday is like starting the week off with a kick to the sack (you know which one we're talking about)

Seriously, like...what the crap is up with Monday's? Coming off a presumably great weekend, you trudge your arse into work on a "Monday" only to realize that the relief you felt leaving the office on Friday, was to be short lived. Because here again, on "Monday" is all the crap that you left behind on Friday.

 And that's when you realize...that as long as you're working at a job you don't love...Monday's will always feel like that. A solid kick to the pills, and a reminder can never really leave the bullshit behind.

Which brings us to our next point to hate on....

Poor results on a big sports weekend...

(and we'll actually take it a step further...and say ANY weekend's sporting events).

This weekend was the playoffs for the Bruins. And in was also the first series with the NY Yankees.

How did we fare?

It was awful. The bruins boofed it....which...i mean look...our backs are against the wall...but we have today. We'll see how it goes.

The Red Sox are another matter.

'Nuff said.

Ok, thats enough hating for one morning...end up catching heartburn or something with so much hate brewin inside us.

We catch y'all on the soonness...


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