Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve (morning show)

As we have not yet had a chance to get to "The Palace" to do the Chill Zone on kzzy, I am going to upload this video. It is from a trip to NH this past year. Its an amazing trip that we take twice a year to some cabins in NH, and we have had countless great memories from this trip.

Francis did not make it this past year, however he has gone in years past, and has left his mark.

And now, without further delay...I present to you "Splat Pantsadumpy, and the fire"

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some Background

Many of you who are new to the concept of wkzzy, are probably really weirded out by the blog in its current state. Many of you who KNOW wkzzy, are most likely unimpressed with the blog to this point. So to appease both sides, I am going to start building this thing the way it was meant to be built. What does he mean by that? I actually don't know. Francis is going to be helping out in the near future with regard to uploading videos, pictures, and other such documentations of our adventures.

A few samples from the vast collection of "material" that we have assembled over the years.

This was from Halloween this year. I don't even know what I was supposed to be exactly. I think I told people I was going as a "dead gangster." My tag line was...

"Hey...I'm freakin dead ova here."

(there is a video containing the tag-line, which I am confident everyone is excited to see).

 Well tough, because I don't know how to upload and edit it (yet).


This is the guy who I think originally said the line, "Hey...I'm freakin dead ova here." (try to disagree)

On a slightly different path, we find this picture.

It is of Francis Tancis, enjoying the last days of "Old Glory," which was a very old chair that had been handed down from his uncle. 

Moving right along...

That is all for now. More to follow.... CHEAU

In Keeping with Tradition

So here's how I see it. There is a big day coming up...called New Years Eve. That means frivolity....albiet well mannered. And what does that mean for our readers and listeners? An abundance of drunken posts and pictures. Perhaps even video from past greatness. It will be great. Just so very great. Cheau!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now that I have a minute

Werd sons. So as promised, I am coming to you live to bring you the latest in "photo opps from all over time."

That doesn't even make SENSE. That's how you know its going to be the real deal. No filter....KZZY.

Now then, I wanted to take a few minutes to throw up a few pictures tonight of people that help make this show possible.

The first, will be one of the original folks that joined us on KZZY

- Tony "Booty on the street reporter" Steel.


He will be bringing us all the latest on the talent from the streets of wherever he's at...

WHENEVER he's at. 

Secondly, we have

- G5
 (as an aside - here's a quick rap about G5)

G5 drops bombs when he rhymes on these beats,
pirates your shit like he's Somali.
All over your girl like he's Versace,
you brought the Beamer - he brought Mercedes.
He brought more ladies - fresh prince like Willy,
Fresh Cali-bud when we roll up the Philly.


Third, is a man known as

- Neo Geo - This is the man who's going to bring you the latest in technology, before it's even hot on the streets. On a VERY good day....he might even be knowing about stuff that aint even been invented yet!! Truth.

I am not going to confirm...or deny....that Neo Geo invented the Zach Morris phone

... but he did.


 This is him - giving the cutoff technology!!

And finally (its getting late)

- Archimedes  

He IS the Owl on the Prowl - and he'll tell you like it is.

No matter what it is.

That is all for now


So yeah....the Roots

It was quite the say the least.

How does one describe a Roots concert? The best way to start is to mention the fact that they are all tremendous musicians. On top of that, their lead singer can spit hot fire. Freddie J did not know a single song. Francis, having been a long time fan of theirs, is a much better judge of how the show went. In his words "either the best, or second best show I've seen them do."

This is a man who has seen them SEVERAL times over the course of their 13+ album career. For this reason, his opinion on the matter, is solid.

I was in awe of the energy they brought to their performance. The crowd loved them, and seemed to really respect them.

Great stuff all around. There will be more to follow, including video/photo (maybe).

Until that time, keep it funky...and keep it tuned into wkzzy...standing for, whatever it wants.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Christmas Day

To you and yours....a Merry Christmas (and in particular, Happy Birthday to Francis Tancis!)

This is WKZZY, standing for, whatever it wants.

Tonight is a perfect opportunity to discuss the "The Roots" broadcast we'll be doing as we drive out to the House of Blues in Boston to listen to the legendary Roots Crew tomorrow evening. As many of you well know, this broadcast will be heard primarily by Francis, and myself. Why is that? Broadcasting equipment is lacking at the moment....and by lacking...i mean imaginary.

So whats the point of doing the broadcast? fairness, some of the broadcasts DO get recorded, but these are in the minority (is that a good thing? one might ask. the answer to that question). We do the broadcast because we love it. And because it either slightly entertains, or infuriates the people around us. Indifference is also not an uncommon reaction. Either way, we will continue, because maybe at the end of the day...this will have been something worth doing.

So as I said, we will be live on location at the Roots show, bringing you all the highlights....and the REALLY highlights, as the night progresses, and certainly in the mobile studio on the way home.

With that, I will say goodnight, and wish that all you fine ladies out there know, that WKZZY eggnog, the bomb! (its the one with the flava)

Cuz we'll buss ya chess...

Sunday, December 18, 2011