Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now that I have a minute

Werd sons. So as promised, I am coming to you live to bring you the latest in "photo opps from all over time."

That doesn't even make SENSE. That's how you know its going to be the real deal. No filter....KZZY.

Now then, I wanted to take a few minutes to throw up a few pictures tonight of people that help make this show possible.

The first, will be one of the original folks that joined us on KZZY

- Tony "Booty on the street reporter" Steel.


He will be bringing us all the latest on the talent from the streets of wherever he's at...

WHENEVER he's at. 

Secondly, we have

- G5
 (as an aside - here's a quick rap about G5)

G5 drops bombs when he rhymes on these beats,
pirates your shit like he's Somali.
All over your girl like he's Versace,
you brought the Beamer - he brought Mercedes.
He brought more ladies - fresh prince like Willy,
Fresh Cali-bud when we roll up the Philly.


Third, is a man known as

- Neo Geo - This is the man who's going to bring you the latest in technology, before it's even hot on the streets. On a VERY good day....he might even be knowing about stuff that aint even been invented yet!! Truth.

I am not going to confirm...or deny....that Neo Geo invented the Zach Morris phone

... but he did.


 This is him - giving the cutoff signal...to technology!!

And finally (its getting late)

- Archimedes  

He IS the Owl on the Prowl - and he'll tell you like it is.

No matter what it is.

That is all for now


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