Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boom goes....your face!!

I can still touch my toes.

Good morning to anyone who will ever read this. It's morning. I've gotten my day off to an early start. already had some good conversations with people, so i'm in a good mood.

that being said...i have several things i need to get off my chess.

firstly, the anticipation of Brady v Manning for the AFC championship, is fucking giving me heart palpitations.

I mean, these guys are both champions. First ballot hall of famers. playing some of the best football of their careers (see: peyton manning), and just as everyone wanted, they are going to be facing off on Sunday for the fucking AFC championship. Both teams have weaknesses on one side of the ball or the other. Patriots most notably have lost countless players, and have still managed to be in this spot. Denver on the other hand, has had a fairly solid receiving core all season with the likes of welker, decker, etc. still managed to lose several games, probably because of their defense....and it just makes for a hell of a matchup now that we are heading into the superbowl stretch.

whichever team wins, they will be going up against a very solid NFC....should be a hell of a Superbowl too.

In other news, its been a decent winter. Weather-wise anyway. some snow, so it feels like winter, but warmer days mixed in there so we aren't buried under bullshit piles of snow, especially here in the city. I can't speak for the burbs, as i'm sure up where booty on the street reporter, Tony Steel lives, i think they got a bunch more.

anyway, glad to be heading towards spring in the next few months....and with spring, comes one of the greatest past times of them all....


until such time as i see fit to post again, i bid you all...a good day


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