Thursday, January 23, 2014

thinks about drinks

Today, I wish to open up the topic of alcohol.

mainly, my transition from:

drinking in college



The journey started with Mikes Hard Lemonade.

That shit sucks.

It's exactly the kind of thing you drink when you know nothing about drinking. Now I grant you...some people acquire a taste for similar beverages. I can't say I'm one of them...but I won't throw them all under the bus. I will just say this....Mikes is full of acid. its tastes like lemonade enough that you can get them really cold

...and get girls to drink them with you....and it makes for a fun day in high school or college. 

After too many rounds with Mike's or the like...its just too much., however. Hopefully you find better alcohol before it burns a hole in your stomach.

From Mike's, I went to hard liquor.

Liquor is good...because it gets you there....faster, for cheaper. And when you're in college....thats all the fuck that you can turn it into tasty drinks with lots of shit mixed in...and its a guarantee for a good night.

I'll be the first to admit that i wasn't an early adopter of drinking. i didn't really drink regularly until my sophomore year of college. maybe thats embarrassing to admit, but whatevs.

Anyway, I think most people drink beer first, or at least second. i didn't...i didn't drink bud light until...idk...a year or two into drinking. it quickly became the most prevalent beverage at the parties i went to, but when i was buying or looking for booze, it was usually hard liquor. at least during college. raspberry vodka...malibu....other kinds of rum....other kinds of vodka.

pussy drinks.


When I finally got into beer, it was light beer only. and really...whatever was around. if i had a choice, i drank bud light. naturally you end up doing shots of this or that throughout a lifetime....but my beverage of choice, was bud lights.

and then i found...

 This is not the king of beers, this is not a staple of any beer fridge (unless you have women coming over...they sometimes like blue moon). This is the segue drug of the beer world. Its what opens you up to looking into beers that aren't bud, miller, or coors. this is a chance to taste something fairly mild, and let it bring you into a world where beer can be more than a way it get you drunk. it can be a DELICIOUS get you drunk.

I say this because Blue Moon led me to Sam Summer....then to the other Sam seasonals. which led me to darker beers....more bitter beers....IPA's, Lagers, Stouts....the list goes on. I shall dedicate the next entry to the beers Ive been trying, and giving them a fair rating in terms of how they stack up against some classics. 

i shall be including the input of others into the posting so as to have a balanced opinion. 

be on the lookout. 

in summary....

booze is great. there are so many sub categories of booze that i really must dedicate a full posting to each sub category, and get some opinions of people who actually know. that will be fun. we haven't even touched on wine yet...which when we start talking about our Culi-ningus segment here on kzzy....we open up a window into food, wine, and merriment.

ya know?

ok, this has taken some time out of my day that i really don't have, and as such...i shall renew my efforts to have a productive work day.

good talk


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