Monday, February 3, 2014

its monday.....after the superbowl

Now, provided people kept in mind that today was Monday, I trust that people aren't fighting off hangovers and the such.

With that said, I would like to reserve any comments about the game, until my colleague G5 holds court, and gives the sports world, and the world entire...."the business"

Given the nature of sports, and football in particular, it will serve little to no purpose for me to postulate on the reasons denver lost the game. I will reserve that right for those who have a much better understanding of this very dynamic game we call football.

That said, i will leave y'alls on this note...

beer is delicious. even with a lopsided gam,e folks came over, held it down with a few brews and some good food....and now life can get back on track until August when we look to the preseason for a glimpse into what gifts the 2014-2015 season will bring.

the G5 sports wrap-up will be available for your reading pleasure as soon as its contents are delivered to my email.

keep that head on a swivel.


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