Thursday, January 12, 2012

Its the late night edition

There is no edition.

its just late.

and i'm tired.

but the good news here, is that tomorrow is Friday. What does that mean, one might ask?

It means that we will be holding it down on wkzzy. Its the way we do every weekend. The adventures could be anything from doing nothing at all, kicking it at the palace, making delightful memories out of nothing.

or we could make it a night, and fill it with events....and things....and more memories. Then we'll upload the deets, to our blog. And you will read the blog and say to yourself "why wasn't i invited to the events?"

because you weren't on the guest list! no one was.

there isn't one.

wrap your minds around THAT people.

on kzzy, we're bringing you shit from the past, the present, and the future. some of the shit, aint even real. That's how off the meters we are!

(yep....they're a freakin band!)

Ok...we out for the night. This is Freddie J, and on behalf of Francis as well....

kzzy...standing for....whatever it wants!!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Step Brothers

Freddie J and Hazel Tazel are recovering from a night. What does that mean? It means that Crown Royal provided the substance for a night of adventure and memory making (and erasing). With that said, there are certain "life rules" that no matter how much we try, we cannot change, or defy. People need water to live. Crown Royal steals your water....steals it....and doesn't give it back.

For that reason, this post is going up much later than it might normally on a Sunday morning. The Chill Zone (weekend wkzzy) is generally the place where the events of the night are discussed and reviewed. The plans for the future are debated...which ultimately leads us to some sort of conclusion regarding how the day/weekend is going to go.

Not so, today.'ve won this round. But I can assure you that whilst under your magic spell....we  delighted in the joy that has been dubbed (by me, this morning)...."Royally Fucked." (you get it....Crown Royal..."ROYALly fucked.")

And with that....I leave you this. Nay....we leave the WORLD, this.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Imagine this. You are an NFL quarterback. You are looking other professional athletes in the eyes, and delivering rocket fueled passes hopefully into the welcoming arms of your open receiver. Your thoughts and prayers are for a completion and not a pick right into the predatory secondary of the ravenous defense on a hot streak. With 12 seconds remaining, the fate of the game remains in your hands...and you're okay with that.



Level 2 and beyond infinity....

This is Francis Tancis (or at least the written form of his bizarre internal monologue that has been shared with his dear friend Frederick a la PB & J...aka Feddie J...aka Nevabucks...for the past several years). As my friend has pointed out, KZZY is stepping it up and taking things to new levels. Level 2 has been reached as I type this and reach out to greet the KZZY world. Now that we have accomplished this, we do need to keep moving please read on
It is the new year! 2012 - the year of the Mayan Doomsday prediction...possibly a Zombie Apocalypse (look for the CDC protocols...they do exist)...other possibilities? Hmmm....will the Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins be the first to repeat since the '98 Red Wings? Will Massachusetts' heavy metal band Killswitch Engage continue to flourish after a split with singer Howard Jones? Irregardless, 2012 appears to be a year of possibilities....Most importantly, the year of KZZY! Great things loom on the horizon not only for us, but for those subscribed to the world of KZZY. As always you can expect nothing but the best (of the worst...) from us.  
That being said, level 3 will come soon in the form of...well you'll the meantime...this is the Frank the Tank...signing off from KZZY...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Its 2012. What does that mean for wkzzy? means that we are going to take things to the next level.

That level 1.

The reason for this is that we have yet to really get things moving here. We have a few posts (wonderful) but we have yet to fully unleash the beast that is wkzzy...and its many contributors.

One such matter that we should address, is the alias list. Francis Tancis, for example, has COUNTLESS names that he has been given as a result of our many adventures. Likewise, Freddie J has been given quite a few names as well. These pale in comparison to Francis however.

Here are just a few...

Francis Tancis
aka - Francisco Tancisco
aka - Frank the Tank
aka - Megabucks
aka - Cleetus Teetus
aka - Hazel Tazel

The list goes on and on. Soon, there shall be pictures that accompany these names (they are very specific for very specific circumstances).

In short....this will be the year that we reveal the true nature of wkzzy. What it means to be a member of this elite squad. This gathering of excellence. This....conglomeration of stupendity.