Thursday, January 5, 2012


Its 2012. What does that mean for wkzzy? means that we are going to take things to the next level.

That level 1.

The reason for this is that we have yet to really get things moving here. We have a few posts (wonderful) but we have yet to fully unleash the beast that is wkzzy...and its many contributors.

One such matter that we should address, is the alias list. Francis Tancis, for example, has COUNTLESS names that he has been given as a result of our many adventures. Likewise, Freddie J has been given quite a few names as well. These pale in comparison to Francis however.

Here are just a few...

Francis Tancis
aka - Francisco Tancisco
aka - Frank the Tank
aka - Megabucks
aka - Cleetus Teetus
aka - Hazel Tazel

The list goes on and on. Soon, there shall be pictures that accompany these names (they are very specific for very specific circumstances).

In short....this will be the year that we reveal the true nature of wkzzy. What it means to be a member of this elite squad. This gathering of excellence. This....conglomeration of stupendity.


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