Sunday, January 8, 2012

Step Brothers

Freddie J and Hazel Tazel are recovering from a night. What does that mean? It means that Crown Royal provided the substance for a night of adventure and memory making (and erasing). With that said, there are certain "life rules" that no matter how much we try, we cannot change, or defy. People need water to live. Crown Royal steals your water....steals it....and doesn't give it back.

For that reason, this post is going up much later than it might normally on a Sunday morning. The Chill Zone (weekend wkzzy) is generally the place where the events of the night are discussed and reviewed. The plans for the future are debated...which ultimately leads us to some sort of conclusion regarding how the day/weekend is going to go.

Not so, today.'ve won this round. But I can assure you that whilst under your magic spell....we  delighted in the joy that has been dubbed (by me, this morning)...."Royally Fucked." (you get it....Crown Royal..."ROYALly fucked.")

And with that....I leave you this. Nay....we leave the WORLD, this.

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