Thursday, January 12, 2012

Its the late night edition

There is no edition.

its just late.

and i'm tired.

but the good news here, is that tomorrow is Friday. What does that mean, one might ask?

It means that we will be holding it down on wkzzy. Its the way we do every weekend. The adventures could be anything from doing nothing at all, kicking it at the palace, making delightful memories out of nothing.

or we could make it a night, and fill it with events....and things....and more memories. Then we'll upload the deets, to our blog. And you will read the blog and say to yourself "why wasn't i invited to the events?"

because you weren't on the guest list! no one was.

there isn't one.

wrap your minds around THAT people.

on kzzy, we're bringing you shit from the past, the present, and the future. some of the shit, aint even real. That's how off the meters we are!

(yep....they're a freakin band!)

Ok...we out for the night. This is Freddie J, and on behalf of Francis as well....

kzzy...standing for....whatever it wants!!


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