Wednesday, February 8, 2012

British Cat - a conversation

(courtesy of Nigel of "Factual Nonsense" on kzzy)

"yeah....what do you want, cat?"

"have you noticed i'm walking a bit funny"

"no, not really."

"oh no? right...well, here's a bit of news. my paw....its all wonky!"

"Its what?"

"Wonky. Awry. Its not quite right..."

"....that so? lets assume your foot is a bit off. what of it?"

"its gotten quite painful if i'm honest."

"oh has it? and why is this the first mention of it? how long you been suffering, cat?"

"few weeks i'd wager"

"few weeks?! Cat....if your paw had been wonky for a few weeks, I'd have noticed."

"i did drop hints you know. remember this little move?"


"right. now then...lets get me in that crate. i hate it, and we both know anticipate i'll be scratching at least one of you. but i do need to see a medic"

"....right then"

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