Sunday, February 26, 2012

On the Gold

We started a new segment called "On the Gold" which is basically a chance to talk about Gold Rush, one of the finest and most frustrating television programs on the air today.

That said, we have both been following the show each of its two seasons. This year went INFINITELY better than last year (for real). Which is the ONLY reason we still watching (not down with the time wasting).

This week on "On the Gold" we lookin back on some of the hate we was wishin on Dakota Fred. He's a thief. Plain and simple. Came into this season colluding with that old man who owns the mine. snatched it up from the Hoffman's, and proceeded to brag about the gold he was gonna get in this spot. Covered up a BUNCH of their hard work from last season....only to uncover the shit weeks/months later, realizing that Jack Hoffman was right all along...

(salty old bastard....been spending mad time being old and he's wise)

anyway....back to hatin.

So yeah...he takes the damn mine, and ends up finding super great paydirt at the bottom of the glory hole that Jack Hoffman had been digging the year before.

....he stole it, and we hatin on him for that. plus for the way he just IS. can't stand his smile.....GAH!!

Dakota Fred....

You can steal the mine away from the Hoffman's....

But you can't steal the water away from your house....

and that sucks.

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