Wednesday, February 15, 2012

for your entertainment....maybe?

Subject: did i ever tell you about the time i invented the jelly-bean?

It was a Wednesday
Anyone who is anyone in the inventing business knows that Wednesdays are the best days for creativity.
And inventiveness (source for this information is still unconfirmed)
So it was a Wednesday…and I was making tea. Anyone who is anyone in the inventing business knows that tea is the best for creativity (source also unconfirmed)
And as I was getting to the last sips of the tea, I noticed that there was some sugar and honey that had collected at the bottom of the cup. And I thought, “well isn’t that funny…I guess I didn’t mix if very well?”
And so I left it on the table, and went back to my inventing. At the time, I was trying to develop a foot massager that would also cut your toe-nails. Problem was, the massaging motion, combined with the sharp nail cutters, ended up turning the machine into more of a torture device instead of a “home-spa” remedy that it was designed to be. But I was determined.
Having forgotten that I already took the last sip of my tea, I reached in desperation for my mug (which had a picture of my youngest daughter, who was 3 at the time. She was playing with our dog, Casey, and she was holding an ice-cream cone…I loved that mug).
I quickly put the mug to my lips…and before I realized it was empty…a clumpy of sugar and honey rolled into my mouth.
Out of pure reflex, I chewed the clump, only once…and quickly spit it out, realizing it was not the delicious tea I desired, but rather a sticky clump of sugar.
Well….immediately I was expecting a horrible aftertaste….but was pleasantly surprised when all I tasted, was sweetness.
It was about that time that it dawned on me. “I’m an inventor damnit!!”
So I put the little clump of sugar back in my mouth…and chewed it again, just to verify that it wasn’t a fluke that it had tasted so good in that first bite.
It wasn’t….the little sugar clump, was delicious. My problem do I reproduce it? Was it the warm tea combined with the sugars, and the tea flavoring that made it so good? Could I actually make it again?
All of these questions swarmed through my head as I steadily continued on the path of making my foot massager work. Several bandaids later…I accepted that this foot massager was flawed in concept…and would never work right…regardless of how much I tinkered with it.
It was about that time that it dawned on me again…”you’re an inventor damnit!!”
So I set to working on a new invention (as I said, it was a Wednesday, so I knew the creative juices would be flowing).
I poured another cup of tea, but this time, I put in extra sugar, and extra honey.
The result…was a disgusting cup of tea…however it left the most amazing clump of sugar and honey at the bottom. So I took it out of the mug, and started to roll little balls of it between my fingers…until I had about 3 or 4 of them.
So I let them sit for a few minutes…and then proceeded to eat them.
They were delicious. The team I was drinking at the time, was lemon.
As we all know…lemon is the most disgusting flavor of the jelly-bean world. But the fact that I could tolerate it, meant that I could only go UP from there.
So I experimented with different teas…different herbal combinations…etc.
The result….was the “honey-ball”
A name that was quickly replaced by the “jelly bean” due to the shape of the ball once it rested for a while…and the fact that no one wanted to eat something with the name “honey-ball”. (source unconfirmed)
The end.

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