Thursday, March 15, 2012

don't eat yellow snow

it's great advice.

makes you wonder if you should dig a little deeper (brown snow)

(dirt...or other)

point is

when you see yellow snow...its best not to dig deeper

THAT not given out that often. because it hasn't been discovered yet.

but it will be!

right here on this blog. and THAT'S the beauty of technology.

first picture that came up on google search

(thats an ad for google by the way....

pay me)

Technology Report....that's the segment we doing Thursday nights.

and another thing....Wednesday nights...I going to be the Darts Wrap up

The segment will actually be called...."Toneighty Tonighty" (thanks G5)

and it will feature recounting of the darts escapades of Freddie J and G5 and Neo, and Deej, and Tex, and Bozz.....(lots of friends playing this season).

Hope you're ready.

now then....the Technology Report (see "technology-ish" picture above).


Have you seen these kids with their "smart phone's?"

I mean....what is the deal here?

We can be in the same room...and not say a WORD to each other!!

and somehow....that's acceptable. you're not being particularly rude. and to be honest...lets say you are playing a game...and the other person in the playing that same game.

play a funny word...or something....get a little chuckle.'re both typing back and forth...she's're laughing. givin her the quick glance

she's looking back

(most recent cell phone photo on file)'re lookin like a Casanova....and you haven't done shit yet!

you haven't said a word to the girl...and she's gettin antsy to sit a little closer

antsiness level at around a 4 or 5...out of 6 (instect....not a spider)

point is....its pretty high.

and're playing WORDS WITH FRIENDS (free ad) and ALSO haven't said a word.

and you might get lucky tonight.

and good for you

but come on kids....what ever happened to "having a little game....not playing a little game" (idk if i just invented that...but if i did....dibs...on all the money and shit that comes in from that)

but right....the "game" should be like...."how am i going to convince her that her writing is really awesome...even though its the worst?"

or like....taking that one line of poetry you know by some obscure poet so you can be like..." you know...Will Chaundler?" ( one other that you're silly ass know who the crap Will Chandler is....he was probably some crappy professor at your school...who had ONE book published. and it was ONLY published...because he did it through the school he was studying at as part of his thesis or some crap.

whatever. he sucks. and no one knows him...and its because he is rotten at poetry)

so you have that one line of poetry...and she's all impressed because even though she doesn't get it...she just assumes you are another level with your thinking...and you're so deep and shit.

so she starts to dig you. game ladies and gentlemen.


("I approve this message!")

(approval pending)



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