Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

Its a glorious day in "Bucket of Nails" land....

We were victorious last night at darts. For more reasons than one.

Firstly.....we discovered.....the beer tower.

Even if you are just the casual bargain hunter with a taste for hops....

this is a win.

In other news....the score.


How did we arrive at this score? starts with 501. 3 games of 501 to be exact.

2 vs 2

we possibly won all 3 of those games?

then its personal favorite.

3 games....also 2 vs 2

played VERY solid there.

which was a good feeling (like silk....or hating on cats)


 (....because i don't care for cats)

Now then....back to the matter at hand.

So then we go into 301 (6 matches - 1 vs 1 - best 2 out of 3)

this is where we start to slip a little.

We lost a few of these games. More importantly....Freddie J WON his game.

Finished the night strong.

And then rode off into the a rebel....

On my motorcycle...

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