Sunday, March 11, 2012

The truth about change

Change is a good thing....for the most part.

Let's take today as an example. This weekend marked the end of an era in American history. "The Palace", as we have come to know no more.

To be honest, we aren't sure who has taken over the actual space. What we DO know, is that they are taking that space, and turning it into something much crappier than we had before. How do we know that? Science!

At any rate, today, I shall be visiting "The Complex."

I've only seen it from the outside....and it looks something like this...

I am my brain....that the inside should look something like this.....


So yeah....the truth about change.

Today we are going to learn a valuable lesson about why change, is good and bad.

"The Complex" is different. That means things changed for Francis to be moving in to that spot. Truth time, the "Man on the Big Brown Couch" has actually found himself a beautiful woman to wife him (nicely done sir). She lives near her people. MOTBBC is going to move down there with her...leaving Francis, to find a new place to set up the studio.

Enter....."The Complex"

so see....change in this case....was kind of good....because MOTBBC is happy, and that's important in life.

But its also bad...because Francis has moved the studio light years away from where it was just at (close).

No matter....we shall adjust....which is incidentally, the very essence of KZZY, isn't it?

It stands for whatever it wants....WHENEVER it wants.

and now....wherever it wants (far away)

and that's the truth about change.


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