Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Food.....we need a food segment

I'm not sure what we're going to call it...

something like....



So....welcome to the first edition of


                                              ....a culinary adventure for your tongue

So let me first begin by saying....this is indeed the maiden voyage of this segment. Idk what I'm going to do with it. Maybe make some shit in a pan....plate that shit.

and then show you what i made.

word....thats actually how its going to be.

maybe I'll even take pictures...in color!!

(color will be brought to us....courtesy of....the future!)

Until I actually have something that I've made...and taken pictures of...i will leave you with this thought.

Chickens have breasts....but them shits is all covered up....by feathers.

 Roosters better sort them bitches out....


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