Thursday, May 3, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

Welcome to another edition of "Toneighty Tonighty."

This weeks match was against a team that we felt like we should have beaten, however, no match is a guarantee. "That's why we play the game."

Off of a great performance from the ladies last week, this week was no exception. Girls are holding it down this season...and picking up the slack when the boys choke.

Moving right along.

The boys ended the night strong....with a notable performance from G5.

90 3? maybe game 2? but 90 left....


he looks at me....and goes..."i'm doing it"

what was he doing? one might ask....

well....he was going for a "cork-out"

and what does that mean?

it means....that he is going for two 20's

and then a double bulls eye

to win the game.

first dart


second dart....

Final dart.....

wait for it




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