Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Las Montanas (read as "mon-tanyas")

Good afternoon loyal kzzy-ers....,

I would like to come up with a name for people who read this blog. Idk what it will be yet.

No matter...much more pressing things to attend to here.

We just returned from our annual trip to the mountains. I shall not divulge the exact location so as to avoid the droves of people who will undoubtedly show up after an endorsement from kzzy.

And if not....I just gave it the Bamo Slamo....so....i'm technically endorsing my own trip. and thats good enough for me.

So yeah...among the many things that transpired this weekend...some of the more notable moments....

flying dogs

shotguns on the 9th tee

fires...to the bejesus....

more videos to be uploaded on the sooness...

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