Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Las Montanas (read as "mon-tanyas")

Good afternoon loyal kzzy-ers....,

I would like to come up with a name for people who read this blog. Idk what it will be yet.

No matter...much more pressing things to attend to here.

We just returned from our annual trip to the mountains. I shall not divulge the exact location so as to avoid the droves of people who will undoubtedly show up after an endorsement from kzzy.

And if not....I just gave it the Bamo Slamo....so....i'm technically endorsing my own trip. and thats good enough for me.

So yeah...among the many things that transpired this weekend...some of the more notable moments....

flying dogs

shotguns on the 9th tee

fires...to the bejesus....

more videos to be uploaded on the sooness...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Going on the road

We are taking the show on the road this weekend.

Heading up to NH....Bartlet/North Conway area.

There, we shall enjoy nature.

and beer.

and then nature once again.

So with that said...I am going to sign off for the moment...but only for the moment

as there is much to tell regarding the upcoming week....darts specifically.

Until then...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

HOLY EFFING CRAP!! - darts edition

Ok....so we literally had one of the most epic wins ....EVER.

I shall leave you with the following two videos....so you may understand, how it all went down.

Please to follow this link....to video number one

The Set-Up

and the promptly....check out video number two...

The Result



Wednesday, May 16, 2012


You can't chop away all your problems

with Karate.

but its really fun to try.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Food.....we need a food segment

I'm not sure what we're going to call it...

something like....



So....welcome to the first edition of


                                              ....a culinary adventure for your tongue

So let me first begin by saying....this is indeed the maiden voyage of this segment. Idk what I'm going to do with it. Maybe make some shit in a pan....plate that shit.

and then show you what i made.

word....thats actually how its going to be.

maybe I'll even take pictures...in color!!

(color will be brought to us....courtesy of....the future!)

Until I actually have something that I've made...and taken pictures of...i will leave you with this thought.

Chickens have breasts....but them shits is all covered up....by feathers.

 Roosters better sort them bitches out....


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

Welcome to another edition of "Toneighty Tonighty."

This weeks match was against a team that we felt like we should have beaten, however, no match is a guarantee. "That's why we play the game."

Off of a great performance from the ladies last week, this week was no exception. Girls are holding it down this season...and picking up the slack when the boys choke.

Moving right along.

The boys ended the night strong....with a notable performance from G5.

90 left.....game 3? maybe game 2? but 90 left....


he looks at me....and goes..."i'm doing it"

what was he doing? one might ask....

well....he was going for a "cork-out"

and what does that mean?

it means....that he is going for two 20's

and then a double bulls eye

to win the game.

first dart


second dart....

Final dart.....

wait for it

