Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Thursday kzzy-ers

What up y'all?

This month has been totally cray!

I feel like i've been working like a dog, while still making time to broadcast with the smelly mountain hook.

granted, none of these broadcasts...are actually being broadcast. but that shouldn't bother anyone.

certainly doesn't bother me.

This...on the other hand.....does.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

We back!!

Herro each and every one of you!

This will be the brief but dramatic "first post" after a long hiatus. 

It certainly HAS been a little while, but I assure you we have not forgetten the fine art of "bringing it to you live and direct"

matta fact, just a couple days ago, francis and I were on a cruise in the mobile studio, broadcasting brilliance through the airwaves.

at any rate, there have been some adventures as of late that have not been documented or addressed on the kzzy blog. for that reason, we shall be doing a "mass update" that will hopefully bring our readers up to speed on whats been going down.

until further notice, consider yourselves on high alert, for something bomb to be dropping on kzzy.


Friday, July 6, 2012

And a very good afternoon to you all

Seems as if the heat is going to stick around for a little while.

The heat makes things smell worse. It also is good for growing things though, which can smell really good.

Flowers, certain plants, herbs, etc.

That being said, I feel the need to extrapolate on the topic of things that smell worse.


Pee....smells worse.

its not that big of a deal. unless the smell is somewhere that you can't get away from.

I can't remember the last time I was stuck in that kind of situation though.

Doesn't it mean it didn't happen, but Freddie has issues with remembering.....ANYTHING.

I'm eating a cherry right now.

Ok, that was a lie. I am eating one bunch of cherries. And they are delicious.

Back to things that smell worse.


Socks....smell worse in the heat. Stinky feet are bad enough, but heat them shits up...

forget it.

I'm done for the moment...but I should expect more things will come up in a matter of hours, and I'll once again feel the need to put those feelings...up on this here blog.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Its been a minute y'all

I have been off for a while. New job means I can't fuck around on the computers there.

Its all good....gave me more time to find this....

Saturday, June 16, 2012

And a very good morning to you all

I think you all is 3 people.

No matter.

I am here to bring you the latest in a segment I call....

Factual Nonsense....with Nigel Puddingsworth


So we begin today with a story....

a story about....beans.

Not just any beans...but rather, magic beans.

The kind that grow beanstalks...

and you're saying you yourself..." I really 'bout to hear a story about magic beans?" are

Beans grow best on thursday's. magic beans...grow best on thursday nights.

its a well known fact that part of the reason magic beans are because the way they they rely on moonlight to grow.

"i say mate....where does one find enough moonlight, to grow beans?"

thats the kind of question that will get you tossed in an early grave.

have you singin christmas carols with your old aunt betty for St. Peter...

if you catch my drift.


i am prepared however, to divulge one secret.

there are only a few people who knows the sacred location that provides enough moonlight to support these beans.

i am one of them (obviously)

the others...have taken a vow of silence. a vow they take very seriously from my understanding. something to do with earning up vacation time?

idk....the point is...they take their vow seriously, and they dedicate their time to harvesting and cultivating these marvelous beans.

"if there were magic beans...we'd be seein ruddy beanstalks all over the place, wouldn't we?"

a fine question sir.

allow me to counter with this statement

lets say you had the secret to magic beans? would you be givin it out to people?

trick question...

you don't have the secret. I have it.

and i've chosen to keep it a secret.

hows that sit with ya?

hate it do ya?

fine....i'll share this.

there is only one place on earth, where you can grow magic beans. you can't throw the beans in any old soil and expect a healthy beanstalk to grow. don't be stupid.

it has to grow it magic dirt

 (trade secret....when we say this shit is grown "by hand"...we mean it hand....vow of silence...bobs your uncle...magic beans)

i also happen to know where one can procure this magic dirt.

which makes sense....what with me being one of the secret keepers and all.

pointless to know one and not the other.

how would you know if you had magic beans if you didn't have magic dirt to grow them in?


so yeah...magic beans...mysterious, as always...but now you know that someone very brave, and very illuminated, is keeping this secret safe.

 that is all.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

What a glorious day!!!


was a lie

or more was sarcasm.

its about this time, in my day, when i like to reflect with a little "meditation" sushi night.

i am saying like i usually do "sushi nights"

i don't

well...i wouldn't mind it...but mrs claus doesn't like it

so we don't ever get it.

that being said, we have some lovely new friends (who will have to be given a name for kzzy), and they are big least enough to plan a little outing to procure the aforementioned....sushi.

i can't touch my nose with my tongue

some people can.

thats sort of cool.


Saturday, June 2, 2012


It's time for another edition of "Culi-ningus"......"adventures for your tongue"

So we begin tonights episode with a recap of last nights meal.

Freddie J and Francis Tancis collaborated on  stir fry.

(artistic representation of what we may or may not look like prior to getting into the kitchen and holding court)

So we made a stir fry.

Francis Tancis has a particular expertise in these matters. His sauce (pronounced...."sowse") is that of legend.

So that, combined with the sous chef preparation of vegetables, and layer building techniques of one Freddie J....resulted in one of the finest stir fry's of my young life.

Allow me to explain (without divulging of course...the secret ingredients that are combined to make the sowse)

ingredients...(bear in mind...that S & P are some of the building blocks of good flavor...make sure you use them, but don't overuse them)

minced onion
minced garlic
minced ginger
chicken sausage
green and red pepper
sugar or snow peas (pods)
chinese noodles (don't be afraid to try different brands...they are hit or miss, and really its just a matter of making sure you don't overcook them. you should be good with whatever brand you want to try)
legendary stir fry sowse

So the basics of this meal...are as follows.

don't overcook...ANYTHING.

its better to have a little more bite to your veggies, than to have mush.

so the best way to to cut up a package of chicken sausages (we are trying to be healthy at the Sandwiches household....and the chicken is actually don't be afraid of it).

heat up a little oil in your wok (woks are best for cooking this kind of thing...but if you don't have that...then your biggest saute pan...

so put the sausage in there, on medium heat...and let it get a little sear to it. Make sure you heat it all the way through (5-10 min depending how hot your pan is), although it will have another round with the heat later.

So once its cooked through, take the sausage and put it into a seperate bowl.

In the same wok/pan, without rinsing it out (thats part of building the flavor...ya see), add 2 cups of water, and some of the minced garlic. scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon to get up all the little bits.

bring it "to the boil" (thank you Paula Dean), and add the broccoli and cauliflower.

if you have a cover for it, this is a good time to use it. let the veggies steam for about 2-3 min. You don't want them to be mushy, and they are going to get another round with the heat too, so don't be afraid to leave them with a little bite. The broccoli should be bright green.

At that point, add the onion, peppers, and peas. This is also a good time to season with a little S&P.

After about 5-6 minutes total cook time (from when you added the brocc and cauli), you should take all the veggies off the heat, and into a separate bowl.

Now this is where the fun begins.

(this is a good time to make sure you have a pot of water boiling for the noodles. they only take about 2-3 min usually....and once they are want to drain them, rinse them with cold water, and get them right to the serving plate, so when its close to the end of cooking for the wok, you should have the noodles ready to go in)

The wok...should theoretically be empty...but of course, we know there is a bunch of flavor all up in the bitch, since we've been seasoning it through this whole cooking process.

So now, we add a little more oil to the wok, on about medium heat...and we add the minced onion, garlic, and ginger (i never used to use ginger...but i'm telling you, it adds a totally different flavor element, and you can smell it the second you cut into it like..."oh damn....i'm using ginger." its so authentic, and you feel like a boss when you use it).

so anyway...let those get to the oil for a min or two.

before they start to brown....its time to add your's the thing.

Francis Tancis is very particular about his sowse. He has spent many moons perfecting to reveal it would be cheating.

I will say this.... I have made stir fry's in the past. You can get away with taking a store bought brand of stir fry sauce, and adding a little bit to it.

For example...Soy sauce...(not too much of careful, it can be very salty). maybe throw in a dash of marinade or something....idk....just think of what goes together. add some water (don't be afraid if it looks too runny. throw in a pinch of corn starch or flower...because when you add it to the will boil, and thicken).

remember you need to have enough for all the veggies, the chicken, and the noodles.

noodle alert: (drop your noodles in the boiling water you have ready)

so take your sowse, and add it to the wok that has the garlic, ginger, and onion.

keep it at medium heat....let it come to a soft boil, and look for it to start thickening.

(if you've ever made gravy before, its along those same lines)

once it starts to thicken, throw in the sausage, and all the veggies. give it a good toss, and then cover it.

let it cook for another....idk...min or two. sowse should be coating everything, and there should be a little bit boiling at the bottom still (if its looking too dry...add some more water to it)

noodles are now.....cooked....drained, and rinsed with cold water (to stop them from cooking more and to keep them from sticking)

add the noddles to the wok....and toss with all the veg and sowse.

(i didn't actually take pictures as we were doing ignore the fact that this isn't the exact meal we are discussing here....i chose this for the consistency of the sauce over all the veg and such.)

If you aren't enjoying the meal at this point

its your fault.

the basics are here for a BOMB meal.

don't over cook

serve ASAP....

and try to use chopsticks

like a boss



I started running.

Thats right ladies and gentlemen....freddie running

at night.


i'll admit its not an immediate or natural transition for me. Running does not get along well with my laziness....but i've made a compromise.

I tell my "lazy" that i will spend extra time with it playing guitar and going on long as it gives me 20 minutes to hang out with "mr. drive"


We'll see how it goes. This initiative is still in the early stages (don't want to rush things when it comes to your health...after all)

That is all


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Las Montanas (read as "mon-tanyas")

Good afternoon loyal kzzy-ers....,

I would like to come up with a name for people who read this blog. Idk what it will be yet.

No matter...much more pressing things to attend to here.

We just returned from our annual trip to the mountains. I shall not divulge the exact location so as to avoid the droves of people who will undoubtedly show up after an endorsement from kzzy.

And if not....I just gave it the Bamo'm technically endorsing my own trip. and thats good enough for me.

So yeah...among the many things that transpired this weekend...some of the more notable moments....

flying dogs

shotguns on the 9th tee
 the bejesus....

more videos to be uploaded on the sooness...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Going on the road

We are taking the show on the road this weekend.

Heading up to NH....Bartlet/North Conway area.

There, we shall enjoy nature.

and beer.

and then nature once again.

So with that said...I am going to sign off for the moment...but only for the moment

as there is much to tell regarding the upcoming week....darts specifically.

Until then...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

HOLY EFFING CRAP!! - darts edition we literally had one of the most epic wins ....EVER.

I shall leave you with the following two you may understand, how it all went down.

Please to follow this video number one

The Set-Up

and the promptly....check out video number two...

The Result


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


You can't chop away all your problems

with Karate.

but its really fun to try.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Food.....we need a food segment

I'm not sure what we're going to call it...

something like....



So....welcome to the first edition of


                                              ....a culinary adventure for your tongue

So let me first begin by saying....this is indeed the maiden voyage of this segment. Idk what I'm going to do with it. Maybe make some shit in a pan....plate that shit.

and then show you what i made.

word....thats actually how its going to be.

maybe I'll even take color!!

(color will be brought to us....courtesy of....the future!)

Until I actually have something that I've made...and taken pictures of...i will leave you with this thought.

Chickens have breasts....but them shits is all covered feathers.

 Roosters better sort them bitches out....


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

Welcome to another edition of "Toneighty Tonighty."

This weeks match was against a team that we felt like we should have beaten, however, no match is a guarantee. "That's why we play the game."

Off of a great performance from the ladies last week, this week was no exception. Girls are holding it down this season...and picking up the slack when the boys choke.

Moving right along.

The boys ended the night strong....with a notable performance from G5.

90 3? maybe game 2? but 90 left....


he looks at me....and goes..."i'm doing it"

what was he doing? one might ask....

well....he was going for a "cork-out"

and what does that mean?

it means....that he is going for two 20's

and then a double bulls eye

to win the game.

first dart


second dart....

Final dart.....

wait for it




Thursday, April 26, 2012

A night like too many nights in this town....

I'm sorry Bruins fans.

You are good fans. They are a great team...

and we just fell short this week.

We were too close though. These kinds of losses never sit well.

gah well please.

Red Sox....go Big Papi

and with that...since football season is still a ways away....

we rest until the Celtics get their old bones on to the court this weekend.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quick Hockey Shout-out


Nicely done Boys.


Wisely Dispisin'

Its the you KNOW Freddie J, and especially Francis Tancis....fittin to hate on something.

As its Sunday, it makes sense that we should probably just be hating on the upcoming week. Hiatus Tatus (seen below) was here visiting us for a short time, but was so consumed with "Hiatusing" that he didn't end up spending much time with us. Except for the "Toneight Tonighty" darts night he was able to bear witness to.

 That being said, we are going to bring up a few things that should be hated on...

The obviously, Monday's.

Starting the week off on a Monday is like starting the week off with a kick to the sack (you know which one we're talking about)

Seriously, like...what the crap is up with Monday's? Coming off a presumably great weekend, you trudge your arse into work on a "Monday" only to realize that the relief you felt leaving the office on Friday, was to be short lived. Because here again, on "Monday" is all the crap that you left behind on Friday.

 And that's when you realize...that as long as you're working at a job you don't love...Monday's will always feel like that. A solid kick to the pills, and a reminder can never really leave the bullshit behind.

Which brings us to our next point to hate on....

Poor results on a big sports weekend...

(and we'll actually take it a step further...and say ANY weekend's sporting events).

This weekend was the playoffs for the Bruins. And in was also the first series with the NY Yankees.

How did we fare?

It was awful. The bruins boofed it....which...i mean look...our backs are against the wall...but we have today. We'll see how it goes.

The Red Sox are another matter.

'Nuff said.

Ok, thats enough hating for one morning...end up catching heartburn or something with so much hate brewin inside us.

We catch y'all on the soonness...


Gonna spend some time with Francis Tancis today....

update to follow......

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Sports Wrap-Up

There were a few different sporting events this week/end.

Segment 1 -

Toneighty Tonighty:

We played at the Watertown Elks

That's significant for one reason.....


Literally....the oldest team in sports. All sports....ever.

They are a great group of people, still. It's a nice bar...if i'm honest.

Of all of the vet might be my favorite.

We won the night 9-3. They actually threw some really good darts. It was good fun...and i'm definitely pleased with our result.

And now for the big news....

Dart Tournament - 2012 - Relay for Life

Location: The Wave

The previous two years, Freddie J has brought the those who wished to partake.

This year felt like it was going to go the same way. Coming off a great first half of the darts season....this tournament is kind of like the All Star break.

So, Freddie's in it...but he is never guaranteed a win.

After several tough rounds, Crunk Jackson brought the noise once again, and came away with a W with his friend Neo Geo.

exactly like that....

And now...for a new segment on the show....

                             The TEE Box

We will be bringing you the latest on golf shit.

Updates from our outings will be posted here to the best of my ability.

So our first outing of the season was actually a few weeks ago. I didn't do anything to document it  in any i don't have jack crap to show for it.

But this past weekend, we went again...(well, at least a couple of us).

It was glorious. Not the best outing with regard to performance, but it was an awesome day. Few beers, few "others." All brilliant stuff.

Here's what i remember the course looking like...

The result of the day was less of a "good game," and more of a "good day."

Which is fine.

I won't post to scores. Just know that Freddie J, brought the the quietest way possible.

That's all for now...


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


What a glorious day here on KZZY.

The sun is shining. The birds....are most likely still south...

and I am here, hard at work, trying to make America safe again (crime fighting...mostly)

At any rate....significant sports update to follow today. Two darts updates (regular update, plus a bonus "tournament" update) - followed by a golf update (segment shall be called.....the "Tee Box").

Until then.....i leave you with this....and bid you a good morning.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

Its a glorious day in "Bucket of Nails" land....

We were victorious last night at darts. For more reasons than one.

Firstly.....we discovered.....the beer tower.

Even if you are just the casual bargain hunter with a taste for hops....

this is a win.

In other news....the score.


How did we arrive at this score? starts with 501. 3 games of 501 to be exact.

2 vs 2

we possibly won all 3 of those games?

then its personal favorite.

3 games....also 2 vs 2

played VERY solid there.

which was a good feeling (like silk....or hating on cats)


 (....because i don't care for cats)

Now then....back to the matter at hand.

So then we go into 301 (6 matches - 1 vs 1 - best 2 out of 3)

this is where we start to slip a little.

We lost a few of these games. More importantly....Freddie J WON his game.

Finished the night strong.

And then rode off into the a rebel....

On my motorcycle...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Toneighty Tonighty

That's right ladies and gentlemen. The darts update is here.

Sorry it did not make it up yesterday (I know all 2 of you were waiting for it).

Now then....I present to you....

                                     "Toneighty Tonighty"

                                                  (an update about darts)

So darts went as follows. The thing about darts, is that you can't always count on having a good night.

You can go from throwing brilliants throwing absolute crap.

What DOESN'T that I play on a team with a bunch of my friends. So just by want to play better. You don't want to let your mates down.

The team we were playing against this past Tuesday....actually played pretty well. No real standouts...but they had a few guys who knew what they were doing.

Townie darts is the same all over the world I bet. Raspy laugh from years of smoking. Tee shirt....or a blue collar work shirt...some kind of construction company, etc.

so we play these guys...and they LOVE to true townie fashion. by the end of the night, you can't tell if they are just really boozed up, or if they are always like that? it feels like a default setting for some of these cats....

no matter, we played....and we did NOT have the success that we expected. no one was throwing A+ darts....

So now we are i think, still in first place...but it was not the "death strike" we were hoping to plunge into the hearts of the other teams in the league.

There's always next week.
